Chapter 8 (1/3)

Draco walked carefully down the street leading directly to the Academy. He was wary of everyone around him, as he didn't want to fall into any trap that Pirce might set. Of course, he knew that his pursuer most likely didn't know that he intended to return to the Academy just today, but still, it was always better to keep your wits about you.

As soon as he stepped out of the corner he saw the school for dragons. The tall, four-storey building of rather simple construction resembled a large cube cut by rows of windows. A large double door of some dark wood led inside. Basically, it looked as if it was in need of a solid renovation and had been for a long time. From the front, the whole thing was directly adjacent to the street, with tall tenements attached to the sides. However, the most important thing was what was on the other side of the building. This was where there were training arenas, fitness tracks and a small grove used by groups of students for what was popularly known as war games.

He took a deep breath and moved confidently towards the Academy. He saw a lot of others heading in the same direction, students who were in a hurry for classes that would start in just a few minutes. Surprisingly this time no one threw him suspicious or contemptuous glances, they passed him just like the others, not even trying to avoid him. He realised that they wouldn't recognise him at first glance because he had changed recently and now looked like the other dragons. He simply didn't stand out at all if someone didn't look at him more closely.

He smiled under his breath and directed his steps towards the main entrance of the Academy. Once inside, he quickly walked through the crowded corridors and made his way to the classroom where the first lecture of the day was to take place. He arrived just as the professor was opening the door. He walked in with the others and took his usual seat at

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