Chapter 8 (3/3)

Othis adjusted his robe as the door opened. He was curious to see what impression the young dragon-mage would make on him. He had only heard about him from a friend, so he was interested. Additionally, he could almost feel the lust for knowledge emanating from Gizel. He began to regret that it was her he had ordered to watch over Darius and not the other way around.

As the boy walked inside Hugo began to observe him. Surprisingly he looked different to the way Bleist had described him. The dragon was tall for his age and well built. Steel eyes quickly surveyed his surroundings. He was analysing the situation. It showed poorly from him, but he was nervous. He admitted to himself that he was not surprised. Anyone would be nervous if something like this happened to them. Yet he seemed focused. When the boy discreetly looked at everyone he stood upright as a string in front of the slightly surprised diplomat and gave a full bow with the way dragons showed respect to higher-ranking people. It is evident that someone had not neglected his upbringing.

-Dear Lord Ambassador.-To the surprise of those gathered, Draco spoke in pure Atlantean without the slightest trace of a dragon accent.-It is an honour to meet you.

-I am also happy to have met you today.- Othis replied with a smile. He had not expected to have to deal with an etiquette he was not fond of in such a situation.-I hope this sudden invitation did not spoil your plans.- The standard formula he used every day at least a few times.

-Not at all, Lord Ambassador.-The boy tried to look composed, but Othis knew he was becoming increasingly anxious. He probably doesn't even know why we brought him here. He admonished himself in spirit.

-Let's get to the point, then, because I think we both want to.- He smiled and noticed that the dragon drew in the air more deeply. At the same time, he heard a soft, deafening thump behind him and the sound of air being let out. So Gizel

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