Chapter 7

Othis sat in his office thinking intensely about the passing day. He had done his best and had managed to get several members of the Dragon Council to co-operate with him on a matter of which they were as yet clueless. Unfortunately, not everything went according to his plans. One of the most important meetings went sour and he felt it was his fault.

In the late afternoon, he went to see Ludwik Przybyski, Chairman of the Dragon Council. The visit had long been arranged for another reason and the main topic of the meeting was to be the next trade treaty with Atlantis. Essentially, no big deal. However, it was a constant excuse used by the aged dragon to be able to talk quietly with any of the Ambassadors. Despite the fact that everyone knew perfectly well what was going on, officially no one could be accused of anything.

The beginning of the meeting went on as usual. They talked about the weather this summer, world politics, exchanged a few anecdotes about the balls at Dagos and only then moved on to the topic that Przybyski wanted to address.

He began innocently enough. Seemingly casually, he mentioned that lately Othis had started paying more and more visits to those associated with the Dragon Council, and that Bleist had appeared in the city, seemingly on holiday, who tends to disappear for days losing anyone who would follow him. He spoke calmly, without a trace of any emotion, but the Ambassador knew that he was annoyed, to say the least, by a situation in which official Atlantean representatives were clearly trying to arrange something in their favour. There would be nothing wrong with that, and everything would go on in the usual way if one could even suspect what it might be about. It was this very ignorance that troubled the Chairman.

Suddenly moving from casual conversation he attacked and asked Othis what was going on. This was the moment when the jokes really ended and Hugo stood in a field riddled with traps. He didn't know what he could say

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