Chapter 7

-But we can't involve anyone?- Darius has already gone over the rest of the plan.-So it is to fall on me, but seemingly without any pressure or coercion?

-Yes.- Othis nodded briefly.

-Well, at least I won't have to try to arrange it in some crooked way.-The colonel looked his friend in the eye.-You know I was planning it anyway, right?

-We've known each other for a long time, so yes.

-Very well done.- Gizel looked pleased with the turn of events.-I will have an excuse to visit you.-She said looking flirtatiously at Bleist.

Othis started laughing at full throat seeing his friend's consternation and the amused flames flashing in the elf's eyes.

Draco aligned his flight. He gently corrected his course and calmly watched the city streets light up. This time he wasn't afraid of being spotted, as it was the new moon and there wasn't a single star in the sky. Gradually he covered the distance leading up to his house. In the distance he could already see the lights of the southern shopping district.

He did not develop full speed because he wanted to enjoy the flight. He also let his thoughts roam in their own paths. In truth, he was a little stunned by what had happened over the past few days, which for him was an incredible and puzzling challenge. However, he honestly admitted to himself that he had done his best to end it in a way that would suit him. He hoped that Pirce was already bored and had found a new interest, such as tormenting freshmen or taking it out on others during arena exercises. Unfortunately, he knew it wouldn't take long for his pursuer to turn his full attention specifically to him. It had happened before and Draco was in no delusion, he knew it was simply a matter of time.

He sighed protractedly and made a barrel roll and a few tight turns. He smiled. However, something had changed and it would never be the same again, he knew that too. The rules of the game hadn't changed, but the

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