Chapter 7

looked contentedly into the perfectly black sky. He turned and moved towards the open door leading into the small living room. He could see that the light was on inside, and so Madame Nasua was waiting for him. He already knew that Jeviev had told the old dragoness that he would be back today, but he was not sure if she would be waiting for him at such a late hour.

He walked inside where, as usual, there was the delicate scent of flowers and the smell of fresh chocolate biscuits-his favourite. He looked around the room. It was as it had always been, since he could remember it looked the same, unchanging way. Madame Nasua was sitting in her favourite armchair with a cup of tea and a book. The dwarven lamps on the walls lit up the interior, so he immediately noticed that this time it was her favourite novel.

-Hello auntie.- He smiled sadly.- I'm sorry I ran away again.

-Oh, Draco.- Nasua raised herself heavily from her seat and hugged him tightly.-My dear, I'm glad you're all right.-She gently moved him away, holding him by the shoulders and surveying him with an investigative eye.-You've grown over these few days.-She said, and the sparks of joy he knew so well lit up in her eyes.-And you've grown stronger.-She again locked him in a hug surprisingly strong for someone her age.

-It's nothing.- He whispered slightly abashed.-A few things happened and... And I have to tell you about them.

The dragoness let him out of her embrace, but tousled his hair in return.

-In that case, let's sit down and have a cup of tea. Very tasty.- She pointed him to the other armchair, and returned to her favourite one herself.

-So I'll start at the beginning....

Draco sat and recounted everything that had happened without leaving out any details. He spoke at length, but his aunt listened without interrupting him even once. She was always a grateful listener, but also this time she didn't know what to say when she found out everything.

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